Training your toddler to pee in the pot can be quite a challenge. Believe me. I’ve been at it for months now and no where can I see the finish line.
I don’t keep my kid on diapers when she is at home. It’s so bloody hot and humid. The idea of us women staying in sanitary pads for 6 days makes me shudder so I can’t imagine having my kid in a diaper all day long. I only make her wear diapers when she sleeps.
I have implemented so many methods so that she would tell me when she needs to pee. I have read a lot of blogs, articles online and books as to how to train you kid but just nothing seems to be working. It's a dead end!

I was recently sorting out all her clothes and it struck me, why don’t I make Reya wear a frock then maybe she would tell she needs to pee. There were a few frocks given to me by her Nani for her to wear at home. I thought the idea of her wearing new frocks might just do the trick.
So the next morning, I picked out her favourite colour frock, pink! Obviously! I explained to her that she can’t pee in them because her undergarments and her new frock would get wet. She looked at me with a ‘worried look’ and sighed.
I, on the other hand my fingers crossed hoping my plan would work and it didn’t turn out as bad as I thought! Reya did tell me when she needs to pee. Work in progress! I was thrilled!
But then I guess I didn't think it through. Now my daughter thinks she has to tell me when she needs to pee only when she is wearing a frock. Forgot about her pyjamas and shorts. I was back to square one!
I recently had to pay a visit to Reya’s doctor a few days ago. He told me point blank, “she is already two and a half. Stop making her wear diapers.” She developed an infection due to the diapers. Even though she wouldn’t wear them over two to three hours at a time, neither were they even full that they needed to be changed. But it still happened. I felt miserable. My husband told me let’s start from today itself. Go cold turkey! And I agreed! I took it as a challenge to get her off diapers!
Then I thought to myself why don’t I try cloth diapers? And i’d rather not. no diapers, means no diapers at all!
I sat down and thought about all the mothers who have been through this phase. And I told myself if they can do it, so can I. I also thought to myself that this is the perfect time to train her before winters and before she starts school.
It’s been almost 20 days now she is off diapers. There is some progress. I can see the finish line ahead of us.
Toilet training isn’t easy. But you have to keep at it and not give up. Here are a few tips to help all the new mom’s out there.
Reduce the intake of liquids at night.
Make them sit on the pot before going to sleep.
Accompany them and make sure they pee.
Have a change of clothes ready by your bedside if you need to change them at night.
Spread a quick dry sheet the bed.
Use a mattress protector to prevent your mattresses from getting soaked in pee.
Get them in the routine to tell you when they need to pee or poop.
Hang in there! You never know what might just do the trick!
You got this!